On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 6:51 PM, gianfranco gliozzo <gfrem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Most of the things you are discussing about can be done in the
> LinkingOpenData (LOD) environment where you have ontologies dealing with
> almost every kind of human knowledge. In the LOD there are already several
> linguistic resources, some of them multilingual.
> I already developed and tested the feasibility of a SPARQL query expansion
> using linguistic resources published online.
> The main bottleneck between OSM and semantic web is constituted by the
> semantic translation of OSM itself.
> The OSM database looks poorly expressive semantically and the first semantic
> translation of OSM, LinkedGeoData already published in the LOD, while trying
> to overcome some deficiencies needs further development from my point of
> view.
> Gianfra


Can you elaborate on that last point you make? How is OSM lacking in
terms of semantic expressiveness?

Martijn van Exel +++ m...@rtijn.org
laziness – impatience – hubris
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