On 01/12/2011 11:39 AM, Anthony wrote:
Which I suppose is one of my main questions.  If a way is tagged with
highway=road, and nothing else, should a router route motor vehicle
traffic down it?  I would think the answer is yes, which means that
paths which are not meant for motor vehicle traffic shouldn't be
tagged with highway=road.

Well, nothing should end up tagged as highway=road, it’s an interim tag only. It means exactly “we don’t know what this is, except it looks like a road from the aerial photos”: It could be private or pedestrian-only, there could be a gate or one-way spike strips, or bollards (rising or otherwise), or any number of other things which make it unsuitable for routing.

So at best it could be routed with strong “use at your own risk” warnings. But in general it’s probably best if routers do not send people down them.

—Alex Mauer “hawke”

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