On 28/02/2011 10:33, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:
It would not solve the problem for all tools, of course. For example,
MapOSMatic of Tripoli apparently uses the name field. So my
recommendation, given the feedback received so far, would still be to
use Latin + Arabic in the name field.

Do that if it is the most expedient way to satisfy the requirements of users... But isn't it recommended to also use the tags that will let people generate maps in a specific language ?

By the way, for latin script names, should we use int_name, name:en or both ?

In my opinion, the int_name can usefully be used for the direct romanization of the Arabic name, as it now (as of yesterday) is for Tripoli, i.e. Ṭarābulus (previously, it said 'Tripoli'). <http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/27564957/history>.


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