
While I don't quite understand why the SWG has turned in to the WDWG (Web Design Working Group) (it does seem to be a bit outside it's charter ...), I believe Martin issue is with the rampant re-active instead of pro-active information policy that infects all parts of OSM. Not that I don't understand some of the reasons for this, but on the other hand it does, unnecessarily, create a fair amount of animosity.

While we are on the subject of the WDWG (:-)) I would like to point out that there is at least one complete mock-up of an alternative front page that many consider superior to what is currently in use. I'll see if I can find a reference to that later today.


Am 30.04.2011 14:10, schrieb Grant Slater:
On 30 April 2011 12:56, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer<>  wrote:
I noticed that there is a new OSM logo in the wiki. I find it strange
that important things like changing the well established logo of the
project are beeing changed without any discussion or notice on any of
the lists, or did I miss something? Or was the site hacked?

I like the new logo, it is not radically different and is an iterative
improvement from the last.

It was discussed at yesterday's Strategic irc meet:

Also discussed on the strategic list:

Feel free to join the IRC meet, the next one is at Friday 06 May 2011
@ 1600UTC in irc channel #osm-strategic on OFTC, else join via


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