2011-06-23 M∡rtin Koppenhoefer:
> 2011/6/23 Tobias Knerr <o...@tobias-knerr.de>:
>> "If you distribute [...] any Derivative Works or Collective Works, You
>> must keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and give the
>> Original Author credit reasonable to the medium or means [...].
> I understand from this that the individual contributor could ask to be
> mentioned, but OSM is not "the Original Author", it is no author at
> all, osm/osmf is the publisher.

If you want to be precise, you would of course provide attribution to
the "OpenStreetMap contributors", as recommended by the Copyright &
License section on osm.org. In my opinion, however, it's clear that
"OpenStreetMap" refers collectively to the OpenStreetMap community.

Until now, OSMF relied on the assumption that the contributors
implicitly agree with this style of giving credit to them. For those who
have already signed the CT, attribution has now been explicitly regulated.

-- Tobias Knerr

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