Am 11.07.2011 14:46, schrieb Brendan Morley:
On 11/07/2011 8:08 PM, Simon Poole wrote:
It's really up to -them- to remedy the mistakes -they- made (ABS2006 import and similar).

I'm sad to think you characterise ABS2006 as a "mistake".
The import was made at a point in time when it was clear that the license change process was going to start in earnest. At least a couple of warning bells should have gone off and red lights start flashing.

But I'm not complaining about that, mistakes happen and it is done deed now. BUT as you point out the Australian government has become more flexible about licensing and there is a fair chance that either the data could be relicensed under CC-by (which might be compatible with the ODbL) or that
special permission could be obtained to keep the material in the database.

But instead of trying to help the Australian community resolve this issue, you and others, keep on peddling their respective forks-of-the-day, which flatly is simply SPAM (in your case well disguised).


PS: and no I don't think that OSM should aspire to be the largest data rubbish dump in history ....

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