
On 10/05/2011 11:14 AM, Lambert Carsten wrote:
If Hebrew is the (official) local language

Israel has two official local languages, Hebrew and Arabic. This is a fact and upheld by Israel's supreme court.

this is not a tagging issue
but a rendering one as others have noted and in that case the
combined name tag would be 'wrong' (IMHO).

Combined name tags should always be avoided, and localised name tags (name:xy) preferred. In the long run, we expect (and hope) that we will have a map that displays everything to everyone in the language they have configured in their browser - someone who prefers Hebrew would see the name in Hebrew, and some who prefers Arabic would see the name in Arabic.

We are not "there" yet, however; our current rendering system requires that exactly one name is rendered onto the tiles and that is currently whatever is in the "name" tag.

Given that

1. street signs in Jerusalem itself are routinely done with both languages (or even three, plus English)


2. the situation is not permanent, but only a work-around until such time as we can serve maps in their desired language to everyone

DWG felt that our suggestion of using both languages in the OSM "name:" tag was a compromise that should be acceptable to all.

The other thing that was on the table was a solution with two different nodes of equal status, one for each language. However due to Mapnik text placement rules it is likely that depending on zoom level and other circumstances, only one label would be drawn due to place collisions, and we pointed out that nobody could guarantee exactly *which* name would appear on which zoom level and that we would not allow any tampering with the data in order to bring one or the other to front. This uncertainty made this approach unattractive to the parties involved.

Andy Robinson has been called in to mediate in this situation but mediation requires patience, and a willingness to compromise on all sides.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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