On 01/-10/-28163 09:59 PM, Andy Robinson wrote:

Some feedback from local mappers regarding way's vs node's for the E/W parts
of the city would be helpful here.

Andy, first of all I think you could have been a little bit more responsive 
during all this time. You didn't even try to "get a statement" from us or 
understand our position, you just did nothing, not even responded to my emails. 
 I am sorry if I was making too much noise for you, but I repeat that the DWG 
decision was very quick in the first place, and since it was temporary anyway 
then it was your responsibility as a mediator to see a resolution quickly as 

I personally don't care about the default rendering, but only about the 
usefulness of the data. I respect different points of view, but also expect 
from people to respect mine. So forgive me if I repeat myself, but I would like 
the following point of view (which is in fact an official point of view of 
Israel) be represented in the OSM database, so that this particular point of 
view can be rendered (by a custom renderer) easily, without making too much 
ad-hoc additions/removals of nodes or tags:

Jerusalem (ירושלים), is a (self-proclaimed, like any other one) capital of the 
State of Israel, where the seats of the government branches reside (just like 
the definition of capital in Wikipedia: 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_city). It is a municipal entity of type 
"city" with accordance to the division of the ministry of interior of Israel.

Suggestion to remove "capital" and "city" from Hebrew Jerusalem therefore 
effectively "hides" this point of view, which is not just any arbitrary one but 
even supported by the fact that the city within its proclaimed boundaries is 
under full Israeli civilian control.

I repeat, the only way, according to current OSM schema as I understand it, to 
represent the above point of view is a node in Hebrew, place=city, capital=yes, 

I would not oppose if anyone wishes to indicate the fact that the status of 
capital and/or city is not recognized by such and such international bodies 
(but see for example 
https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/is.html under 
section "Government") by adding appropriate tags to the above mentioned node 
(such as capital:recognized=no or recognized:un=no, recognized:usa=no, 
recognized:intl=no, recognized:world=no). But hey, for millions of Israelis who 
live in this country it is the capital, and there is no other one.

As far as I care, Al-Quds in Arabic can be added as city, capital=yes, is_in 
whatever. I would not touch such a node and would not trick the default osm.org 
renderer to display the Hebrew one over it. The only thing which would be 
appropriate is to tag such a node with "capital:recognized=no" as well.

In the future maybe someone who likes disputes would add a special "conflict" 
relation containing the two capitals, making it possible to render some default 
name instead of the two (or more) members of that relation. 

As to delineating east vs. west, I think it is not practical.  Today there is 
no physical barrier, and there are Jews living in the east side (this is not a 
political statement but a fact). On the other hand, there is already the 
admin_level=2 way which runs along the "Green 
Line", practically it was the border until 1967 so no need to make another way 
coinciding with it.

I believe that such a solution (two nodes and not three) will leave OSM as an 
open project, without making the impression that it takes sides or tries to 
force something on somebody. Since most of you apparently agree that both 
points of view are legitimate, it would only be fitting if OSM allowed both of 
them and not a "consensus" which is no consensus at all.

Finally, I would like to express my admiration to all the work the OSM 
community has done over the years. Although in Israel there is not much 
awareness yet, I believe that in time we would learn to appreciate its huge 
potential to make the world better.

Dmitry B.

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