On Wed, December 7, 2011 22:03, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2011/12/7 Kate Chapman <k...@maploser.com>:
>> I wonder if custom presets could help with the road classification.
>> We've had the same problem in parts of Indonesia, but that is because
>> the road classifications are simply translated.  Translating the word
>> primary doesn't mean much for the type of road it is.  Changing the
>> word used in the preset to the specific known government classification
>> could help.
> That would be an interpretation though. Some time ago we voted about
> the highway-classification and decided that it shouldn't necessarily
> corrispond to the local government classification, that's why the presets
> usually are translated and don't associate a certain road type to local
> government classification (usually there is more then one
> government-classification, the one visible at the road is (where I know
> of) the one of the maintaining entity, which is not in every case the
> classification of importance of the connection, as planning engineers see
> it).

I thought this was foolish at the time, and it still is.

highway=* should match the classification given by the government or
roading authority, and should match whatever type of road is on the road
sign.  This is entirely objective.  To do otherwise is subjective- if two
mappers are presented with the same road one might say "This is a major
road, it's highway=primary", but another might say "This is a fairly major
road, but it's not very busy.  It's highway=secondary".  Instead, look at
the badge on the sign.  In the wiki should be a mapping from road
designation (on a roadsign) to highway=* tag.  After all, nobody disagrees
what highway=motorway means, so why open the other types to

I don't know for sure, but I expect that the initial list of road
classifications were derived from UK Ordnance Survey classifications:

Motorway - motorway
A road - primary
B road - secondary
'yellow' road - tertiary
'white' road - unclassified
dual-carriageway - trunk
upgraded A road - primary + motorroad

In my opinion highway=* should match the visible government
classification.  Next, if we add lanes=*, width=* and maxspeed=* then
other people (or other people's software) can adjust the importance of any
segment of the road based on objective data, not subjective

Best wishes,


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