On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Jaakko Helleranta.com
<jaa...@helleranta.com> wrote:
> This is precisely what I've seen in Haiti and discussed with a number of the 
> local contributors, too.
> That is: as the contributors' tech-savvyness decreases we see a clear hike in 
> various sorts of data problems.

This is an interesting conclusion.

Do you have evidence for what you're saying other than anecdotal evidence?

I've seen reports that say that as the total number of users
increases, the map quality goes up. You're saying the opposite, so I'd
like to see some kind of metric.

> Bundle that with not-so-large active user base (of people who do quality 
> fixing) and you have a problematic situation at hand.

This is why I'm asking for your approach in coming to the conclusion.
I see multiple factors in play.

> What I'd love to see and what the contributors here would also want to have 
> is a system where contributors can flag their edits with something that would 
> que the changesets in question to an (open) review stack.
> This kind of review que wouldn't actually moderate anything but would simply 
> flag the changesets for review ("quality ensurance", if u may).
> I'd also very much like to see some (open) mechanism where users that cause 
> problems time and again could be flagged like this.
> Not having _something_ like this is a major problem.

We don't have a moderation system. If you build one, then maybe
someone will think it's interesting/usefu and take a look. But right
now we don't have one, and many people don't want one.

The only way to change their minds would be to show it in use.

> Since I'm not a developer I can't unfortunately create anything that would 
> solve the problem. But could someone tell me how much it
> would/could cost to create something that would?

I'd estimate about 5-10k USD for a good solid working prototype.

- Serge

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