How about every changeset triggers a message to the last n people to edit
any of the nodes or ways in the changeset, together with the comment for
that changeset?

Every mapper will get a message like this:

Some of your contributions have been edited in changeset XXXXXX.  The
comment was "XXXXX..."

A mapper can choose to subscribe or unsubscribe to this feature, or maybe
specify that they are only interested in messages arising from work they
contributed in a certain area.

Then, a mapper can go and check that the changes are good, or have
ruined/damaged some good work.

I myself have had some work ruined, but I only noticed a long time later. 
At first I thought I had misremembered editing in a certain area, but it
turns out that my work had been deleted (history lost) and replaced with
an almost identical version (version number starts at 1 again).  I am
satisfied it was not malicious, and in fact the mapper involved was quite
sorry.  He had made a mistake and couldn't fix it, but tried to put things
back as they were as best he could.  If I had known about it sooner I
could have helped.

I suppose it's a bit like OWL, but tailored to an individual's edits, not
to any edit.

Yes, it would lead to lots of messages, but I personally would have no
trouble filtering them.

Best wishes,


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