On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Eric Marsden <eric.mars...@free.fr> wrote:
>>>>>> "rw" == Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> writes:
>  rw> If CCv4 ends up being better than ODbL, and agreeable to the osm
>  rw> community at large, we could certainly transition to it. The new CTs
>  rw> would make that transition relatively smooth.  We can make that call
>  rw> when it's ready.
>  Thanks for your reply. I would like to suggest that two recent
>  developments mentioned in this thread (update on the CC-4 process and
>  possibility for a seamless transition for OSM; legal analysis
>  provided by Ed Avis) be examined by the LWG, to decide whether to
>  proceed with the current timetable for deletion of CC-only data.

LWG are aware of both CC's intent top draft v4 and of Ed Avis'
documents.  Further discussion on legal-talk@, perhaps?

> (2) poor applicability of CC-BY-SA to derived works such as maps

Exactly the opposite.  :-)  CC licenses are intended for creative
works like a finished map, song, sonnet, novel...  CC advised us not
to use it for the underlying data and database.

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