
Just to imform you, the Brazilian community are looking at reducing the
number of un-named roads, unfortienately the dataset which are used mostly
covers rural areas. Urban areas will also be addressed. Hopefully the
community can reduce the number of unnamed roads significantly during the
next months.

Message: 6
Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 21:07:14 +0200
From: Robert Kaiser <ka...@kairo.at>
To: talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Worst of OSM
Message-ID: <jp8r13$iqa$1...@dough.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Maarten Deen schrieb:
> I have looked at some examples, and while some are just caused
> by the nature of our (armchair) mapping (non-existing roadnames in
> Brazil) and some seem to be correct (the street-like boundaries on a
> mountain on Java), some really need discussing and fixing

I think the only thing I saw so far that can be correct is the minecraft
stuff in the US. Anything else needs fixing, including the borders on
that mountain, I'm pretty sure that admin_level=4 is not the right one
to use there, even though levels >2 are somewhat fuzzy.
Also, it's pretty telling to click on the pictures and look at the data
we have there now - looks like the community is working in many cases
and fixing at least some of the problems! :)
Of course, where we have less community and fewer people looking at
sites like that, there's no change (yet).

In any case, I think the name is demotivating, but having something like
that showing where work is needed is very good, and when you're able to
view it with humor, it works out well.

Robert Kaiser
talk mailing list

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