On 12/09/12 10:02, LIVINE Christin wrote:

I added many points with multiple languages with name:fr, name:en,
name:ja, name:ja_rm, name:ja_kana.
I would like to add names in languages of French Polynesia. How to do ?

ISO code for writing and speaking is the same ?

That's not a simple question, but in generally I think they are mostly about writing and I'm not sure how well they can differentiate between different pronunciations of the same language.

- Tahitian. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahitian_language. ISO 639-1:
ty. ISO 639-2: tah. ISO 639-3: tah.
Personnally, I prefer use tah from ISO 639-3, but can I arbitrarily use
ISO 639-3 instead of ISO 639-1 ?

I would have thought it was generally better to use the two letter tag from ISO 639-1 where one exists and only use the three letter tag when that is actually necessary.

What is your reason for preferring the 639-3 three letter tag?

Until recently, historically, because of religious influences, there
were two ways of writing tahitian language :
     - one from protestants

     - one from catholics which could be the standard
How to differentiate the two writing systems ?

Are there not script subtags or something that will differentiate between these? There usually are where multiple orthographies exist for a language.

- Marquesan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquesan_language. Two
dialects. ISO 639-3: mrq – North Marquesan, mqm – South Marquesan.

- Tuamotuan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuamotuan_language. ISO 639-3:

- Mangareva. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangareva_language. ISO 639-3:

- Austral. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austral_language. ISO 639-3: aut.

- Rapa. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapa_language. ISO 639-3: ray.

If these only exist in 639-3 then I would say the three letter tag is fine.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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