On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 10:02 AM, LIVINE Christin <l...@mail.pf> wrote:
> Hi,
> I added many points with multiple languages with name:fr, name:en, name:ja,
> name:ja_rm, name:ja_kana.
> I would like to add names in languages of French Polynesia. How to do ?
> ISO code for writing and speaking is the same ?

Yes and no, and this is one of the assumptions that is responsible for
the language tagging mess we currently have.

For example, writing system for a language can also include specifics
of the script as one language can be written down in multiple scripts.

As I've been arguing before, I think OSM should start following BCP 47 [1].

Most of the time, ISO 639 code will suffice, but for the above example
of Japanese, "ja_rm" is an invalid code. "ja_kana" is not canonical
(ja-Kana to BCP 47) but systems should parse this form as well.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag

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