Le 18/09/2012 13:51, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :

I'd put it like this: someone who didn't respect the import guidelines
valid for  almost one year was temporarily blocked. What's the
problem? That's what the DWG is for.

how many have spoken up against it? I'd expect from every mapper who
wants to import something to read the current import guidelines and to
act accordingly.

"current" ? Is it a joke ?

I've started integrating buildings from the French cadastre more thant one year ago. I had read the guidelines long before, when a second account was a recommandation. And talking with the French community, I agreed with the fact that it did not applyed in this case... so I starded uploading buildings...

I've never heard any announce about changes, nor discussions about possible changes, nor... in the guidelines. And I'm not so skillfull in English to go often on this page and re-read it if not necessary. And I think I'm not the only one on the Earth.

So I am integrating buildings from Cadastre for years... Long before the guidelines were changed... Maybe I should be bloked...

Now that I (and not only me) know that the guidelines are subjects of arbitrary changes without a wide announce, I would read this page each time before i'm importing a postbox from opendata ?

Tell me it's a joke !

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