On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Jean-Marc Liotier <j...@liotier.org> wrote:
> Before we go further with policy edits, perhaps we should make sure that
> everyone understands the goals and that there is a consensus about
> them... That will make the resulting rules or guidelines more acceptable.

Since you[1] are trying to revise guidelines that are found to be
acceptable across the community you'll also want to be clear about how
that is a benefit to the community at large.  :-)

I'm all for clearing up the multiple documents.  But let's be clear on
the facts at hand.  A group of importers decided that they weren't
going to follow the guidelines.  Then one failed to respond when
approached about a specific guideline.  And now a group is upset to
find that their self-declared-being-above-the-other-mappers is not
widely supported.

It would be easier to accept your sudden interest in clarifying
guidelines if you'd shown any intention to follow them.

Do you know who else asks for exceptions to the OSM guidelines when
DWG halts them for non-compliance?

- Politically motivated editors. Those who insist that "their"
language must be first or only or default language on a node or road
or other object without concern for the on the ground rule or other
- The ignorant. They want OSM to match colors on their favourite
device or something so they map all roads as highway=motorway and all
grass as leisure=park.
- Edit war participants. "But it isn't an edit war because they are
clearly 'right'. "
- Motivated capitalists. "But I have to remove that competing grocery
store in my neighbourhood. I need the business."

They all got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Back to the requirement for an import account.

In private conversations, I've heard many explanations about why
mappers haven't / hadn't created an import account.  Only a few have
claimed not to know of the import account requirement.  I've combined
their responses and made them generic.

- "Too hard to register with another email."  I say use
username+osmimp...@yourisp.com if they support it.  Alternatively,
those concerned in the French community can surely offer their members
additional email accounts to support their community.

- "I don't want to change account settings in JOSM."  I say start josm
with alternate josm.home directory with your saved credentials.  Like:
java -Xmx2038M -Djosm.home=/home/username/import -jar

- "Cadastre is not an import."  Cadastre is an import.  Could you do
the same thing if there were no Cadastre to import?  No, you couldn't.
 Cadastre is an import.

- "Cadastre is different; I am careful before I upload."  All mappers
are careful don't insult the rest of the community. :-)  Fixing and
reconciling data before upload is the obligation you have when
contributing.  Cadastre is still an import.

- "No. I want credit for all of my mapping statistics all in one
place."  Simplest to fix.  UserStat now allows you to combine stats
from a group of your accounts.

[1] Of course, I don't mean you personally, Jean-Marc.  I have no idea
of your OSM screen name, if you are a Cadastre importer or if you use
an import account.  I mean those who have been knowingly ignoring the
import guidelines.

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