I liked the Tag Central presentation. I have searched for more
information but I can't find much. Has there been any more development
on the Tag Central idea?


On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 6:54 AM, Jais Pedersen <j...@pedersens.net> wrote:
> The problem with lengthy blog posts is that they result in lengthy replies
> and
> probably a long thread :-)
> I think most users never look at the edit history and most of us that
> occasionally do look at it, do it mainly to get some idea about the validity
> of
> the data. To use our data to make historical maps, we have to finish making
> the
> current "snapshot" of the world first, then it might be possible to start
> looking at a way of making different more or less linked snapshots in time.
> I
> agree it might not be easy, but I think that just because it is difficult to
> build a space shuttle, that should not stop us from trying to build the car
> that
> most of us actually need first.
> The rendering performance problem for lower zoom levels, is probably better
> handled during import/update. If apmon keeps improving the performance of
> osm2pgsql, then it might be realistic to have a "normal" high zoom database
> and
> a separate low zoom database where only the tags need for low zoom levels
> are
> imported and the geometries are simplified (it might be as simple as using
> ST_simplify, but I have no experience with that and currently no access to
> capable hardware for testing). From Frederics SOTM slides it looks like the
> sweet spot is around zoom level 8.
> JOSM already handles different layers quite well including copy/cut/paste
> and
> basically just needs to keep track of the different data sources and have an
> option to "paste with reference". Other editors that don't want to bother
> the
> user with the complications of layers can have a combined view of the layers
> and
> silently add and/or change objects in the appropriate layers depending on
> the
> type. This of course requires that we split the main database into layers by
> tags.
> If we split the layers by tags, the layer repository can be used to keep
> track
> of what layer a tag belongs to. That will take away a little of our freedom
> to
> tag anyway you like, by requiring that you register your new tag with the
> repository first. We could use something like the Tag Central [1][2] idea
> for
> that and I don't think it would be such bad thing, if you were required to
> document the tags you invent. It would also make it easier for other bird
> watchers to discover that there is a bird migration layer and how to use the
> special tags for it.
> The layer repository could also have an optional link to a tile server, that
> you
> can use as background, ex. you can work on the admin area layer without
> having
> to load the entire dataset for a country - I didn't try, but I expect JOSM
> would
> not handle loading the France or Germany extracts very well, if at all.
> I do share Martins concerns about how to handle updates to linked data, but
> maybe
> that can be solved by having both hard and soft links, so the user that
> creates
> the link makes the decision. That will also force you to think about if
> these
> two areas are actually linked or did you just reuse the nodes that were
> conveniently already there?
> If you have both layers open, you could have a "also update soft links" mode
> for
> those that know what they are doing and in the historic layer we could keep
> the
> soft links in an "un-linked, but not yet completely destroyed" state, where
> somebody can manually check if the link should be restored or removed.
> That will not completely solve the problem with historic maps, but if that
> is
> the only issue, I don't think that should stop us.
> @Lester: Did you try the merge layer feature in JOSM or did I misunderstand
> your
> problem?
> [1] Video: http://vimeo.com/14776099
> [2] Slides: http://www.frankieandshadow.com/sotm10/tagcentral.pdf
> /Jais
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer
> <dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2012/9/24 Jochen Topf <joc...@remote.org>:
>> > http://blog.jochentopf.com/2012-09-23-multiple-layers-for-osm.html
>> > If anybody wants to comment, I think this mailing list is the right
>> > place.
>> IMHO there are different requirements for these layers according to
>> what is on them and how it is related to the data on other layers.
>> E.g. the birds routes would not create much problems because they are
>> only roughly linked to current OSM-data, while for the historic data
>> layer I think it would be desirable to have that directly linked (or
>> at least a possibility to link it) to the current data. This is
>> important when there are remains of the historic objects  that are
>> still (also partly) present in the current world. These could be
>> either physical but also "conceptual" (e.g. parcels of a roman castrum
>> which are still valid for todays town, leading the streets (=voids) to
>> be where they used to be).
>> Other examples for this might be city walls, ruins and other remains
>> of historic buildings, historic walls, ...). The problem here is not
>> with static data but arises from the fact that our current OSM data is
>> in continuous motion: as soon as someone moves the current city wall
>> (or refines it) in order to improve it, the historic-layer city-walls
>> should also be refined (or they will get out of sync). We could maybe
>> have something like hardlinks on filesystems for OSM-objects
>> (nodes/way/relations) to solve this? In other cases it might not be
>> desirable that historic objects change when the current objects get
>> modified (i.e. this will also raise complexity a lot for the mapper,
>> as he will have to decide for his edits whether they should also be
>> applied to linked data, which is likely "specialist data").
>> Another similar concern I have with layers is that of fragmentation of
>> the data which currently is all in the one main layer. In the past
>> there were some people asking for separate thematic layers like
>> landuse (e.g. in order to not show them in their editor), and
>> introducing a layer-system might likely lead to fullfilling this
>> desire. I see this as a problem because landuse is strongly tied to
>> other objects like streets, building lots, and other polygons (e.g.
>> amenity, leisure, place-polygons) and moving or editing only part of
>> this data will also lead to out-of-sync-geometry between layers (won't
>> fit one over the other). To avoid this people would have to look at
>> all layers, which in the end eliminates the benefits of separate
>> layers.
>> cheers,
>> Martin
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