Vladimir Vyskocil wrote:
There are some excellent examples of how mapping should be done all over the
world. But I do hope we have shown that a large percentage of the data STILL
needs a lot of work? At the end of the day this is more about education of
mappers and how to get the best out of the material available. In hindsight I
think there is some agreement that perhaps the data should not have been made
'generally' available and that mappers were monitored a little more as to their
use of the data? The horse has bolted now, so tools to clean up are now needed
In SOME areas the cadastre is ugly with several strange shaped blocks sort of
grouped together vaguely around the location of a clean square building on the
imagery ... that is what is irritating ...
Yes it's the actual situation, it is like some other big imports : TIGER, PGS
coastline,..., it's a work in progress and the community is improving things,
it's OpenStreetMap !
I think OSM is better with this data in than without.
Lessons have been learnt!
The 'Proposal for import guidelines' thread seems to have petered out?
Nothing seems to have changed :) but I get a feeling that people understand we
are all just trying to help ... the British way is always to jump in with the
size nine boots :(
We don't have the resources to do some of the 'big' things that need doing, so
tools like http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr and the other checking tools are
essential. However it's a bit like the 'apple' problem - just where do some of
these tools work? Actually I think this is perhaps another point for the
'layers' discussion? If there was a layer with the coverage of a tool then it
could be used to identify where that tool is functional? Of cause I do get very
concerned when I see 'Raw Data Editor' ... yes we have to trust people, but are
the safeguards in place to cope with making that freely available? I work with
XML data and I would still be nervous editing it without the right tools!
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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