Frederik Ramm <> wrote:

> [...]
> But 10000 houses? Show me the brain that has enough "local knowledge" to
> individually verify them, or show me the mapper who compares them 
> against aerial imagery. You may call it "integrating", but uploading 
> 10000 houses is 99,9% cadastre, 0,1% survey/local knowledge/aerial 
> image/whatever.

I've done such thing for my town and your estimation are not good.
Icould not say which percentage exactly of course.
But importing building for a complete town was a process a several days,
resulting often in one changeset.
One changeset do not mean bulk import, it could be several days of work
before... Adding POIs and detail known building, adjust roads, compare
with bing, and so on...

Depending on you JOSM knwoledge this could be done by small set or as a
whole big changeset...

> There are many aspects about the French Cadastre import that can be 
> discussed. But the fact that it is an import is crystal clear and I'm
> not prepared to discuss that any further.

French Cadastre raw data are an import (note that raw data are very good
quality). But often doing this require preparation and adjustement that
are not import.

For my part when i import building for my town (2 years ago) it require
me lot of nights to do so : merging previous node POis into their
correspondong building, remove small errors, adjust existing roads,
detect new empty zone, checking  and adjust against Bing and also
envolve local knwoledge to determine if Cadastre or Bing is the most
updated when there is difference.

I do not say that we don't have to use a specail account, but for good
cadastre importer it will complicated the task (switch between account
is not easy).
But for those who just do bulk import (as you said) it would not annoy
(they do not add any data)...

Conclusions :

Not sure it was the right solution for the DWG problem.

I also want to point that DWG action (lack of communication and direct
foreign message) is not construtive and very bad received by local
community (see french list talk). Communication problem.

Also note that local community "import"' cadastre from 2009 and that it
was recently that DWG react, it would have to be considered.

I think it was important know to talk.
Perhaps DWG can meet OSM-Fr to discuss this.

Pierre-Alain Dorange
OSM experiences : <>

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