On 6 November 2012 20:28, Pieren <pier...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A public domain street sign does not become automagically a
> copyrighted "derivative work" just because you see it through a
> copyrighted photo.

You are continuing to misrepresent what is at issue.

1. There are licence and contractual terms concerning the use of the
StreetView service.
2. There is a possible interpretation of these conditions that may well
open one or more parties to legal action from the service provider.
3. The OSM project wants to remain beyond reproach when it comes to its
legal position on its data.
4. Those who wish to use such services should take the perogative to seek
explicit permission to use them in the OSM context.
5. If that permission isn't obtained, we shouldn't use them.

So, which of these points do you disagree with?

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