Cartinus wrote:
The same is true for Microsoft and Yahoo!, in the end it boils down to
>something someone at those companies said in an email to someone else.
Then ask them.

Don't spam my mailbox, spam theirs. This endless prattling is getting

You can always stop listening ...

I'm LOOKING at images on Streetview under the same 'it's OK' as I'm using the Bing imagery and other available resources. I am not hacking past anybodies 'API' ... I am using a service provided as it has been provided and am looking at the result. If they do not want us to look at the images they generate then they should require us to log in and sign an agreement at which point there is a 'contract' but while material is made visible it IS only copyright that applies. If I 'cut and paste' something or trace something I am copying. If I look at the material and write my own conclusions then it is free speech. The 'Easter egg' suggestion has been made, and PERSONALLY I would flag anything like that I found as such as other users need to know that other sources are providing incorrect information! But I would keep that to personal posts rather than commit the information to OSM at the moment ... There is an 'Easter Egg' list somewhere isn't there? The important point here is I do NOT use information viewed on Streetview if it is my ONLY source! I DO use it to establish any discrepancies ... I am looking for the Easter Eggs :)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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