The number (10334) associated to me, Kjarrval, does seem correct. I did
a lot of walks last summer and gathered a lot of housenumbers on OsmPad.
Could send you the files if you want a rough verification of the number
of houses.

- Svavar Kjarrval

On 30/12/12 21:53, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
>    I've made a program that counts how many house numbers someone has
> added. It uses object history, so it should be able to correctly
> "award" the count to the person actually adding the addr:housenumber tag.
> I don't yet know what will happen with this, but before I make further
> plans, here's the current list of all accounts that have added
> addresses, and how many:
> It would be great if you could find your name on the list and do a
> quick sanity check in your head whether this looks right or not.
> According to this list, 208 accounts have added more than 10k house
> numbers - if any one of them has actually surveyed that many houses
> they should be awarded a prize! A further ~ 1400 have done between 1k
> and 10k numbers, and ~ 4600 have done between 100 and 1k numbers.
> It is quite possible that the program has bugs so if you notice
> something strange, do mention it.
> Bye
> Frederik

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