On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Hi,
>    I've made a program that counts how many house numbers someone has added.
> It uses object history, so it should be able to correctly "award" the count
> to the person actually adding the addr:housenumber tag.
> I don't yet know what will happen with this, but before I make further
> plans, here's the current list of all accounts that have added addresses,
> and how many:
> http://www.remote.org/frederik/tmp/housenumbers.html
> It would be great if you could find your name on the list and do a quick
> sanity check in your head whether this looks right or not.
> According to this list, 208 accounts have added more than 10k house numbers
> - if any one of them has actually surveyed that many houses they should be
> awarded a prize! A further ~ 1400 have done between 1k and 10k numbers, and
> ~ 4600 have done between 100 and 1k numbers.
> It is quite possible that the program has bugs so if you notice something
> strange, do mention it.

The numbers seem reasonable to me. It gives me credit for 838. Via an
XAPI query I see I am the last editor of 729 addr:housenumber objects
in Kansas. (which is 64% of the non-imported address data here) Add in
the mapping I've done on trips and 838 seems like a sane number.

One problem: The page seems to have utf-8 problems.


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