On 06/01/2013 16:24, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
The problem is with the mapper mixing up linear and polygon features on the same osm object.

I completely disagree with this. He mapped it accurately as a field with a fence around it. The fact the renderer intentionally put in some code that's unable to handle it is *not* the mappers fault.

You could tag a way with barrier=hedge and then add this way as outer way to a multipolygon relation tagged with landuse=farmland.

But it's not a multi-polygon. Don't tag/map inaccurately for the renderer.

(Strange btw., because how would you then access the field? Usually the hedge would have to be interrupted anyway

Err... a POI barrier?

, so the multipolygon approach could also be used to add more detail and have a part of the outline free from the barrier tag). An alternative is to expect that whoever makes a map out of the data will duplicate the geometry and use one way as linear feature and the other as area, but how would you know looking at a closed way if this hedge is linear or mapped as polygon?

I'm only a hobbiest programmer but why can't an If>Then>Else statement with a Do>While loop solve the problem? I'm not sure how Mapnik works, but assuming it's the same principle as mkgmap (it has the same problem), the renderer shouldn't jump to another file table just because it finds one renderable object. It should also know that barriers are either linear of POI & as it's on the perimeter of a polygon it's easy to distinguish.

These issues will probably be solved "automatically" with a new area type for osm objects. cheers, Martin

I think it's a 'new' way of rendering that will be the solution.

Dave F.

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