2013/1/6 Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com>:
> On 06/01/2013 16:24, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> The problem is with the mapper mixing up linear and polygon features on
>> the same osm object.
> I completely disagree with this. He mapped it accurately as a field with a
> fence around it. The fact the renderer intentionally put in some code that's
> unable to handle it is *not* the mappers fault.

no, he mapped ambiguously and that's the reason why he gets into
trouble. A field with a fence around it could for instance be mapped
as fenced=yes on the field (one object in this case, using an
attribute for the fence). If you want to map a field and a fence, use
2 objects, one for the field and one for the fence. This matters also
when you add more tags, and where it would not be clear to which
object they refer to, stupid example: start_date=1968 : is this the
fence or the field?


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