2013/1/6 Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com>:
> On 06/01/2013 15:01, Lennard wrote:
>> On 6-1-2013 15:51, Dave F. wrote:
>>> On a related topic; if a field has a barrier tag it changes colour
>>> rendering at zoom 16:
>> That's because having a landuse on it as well pushes it into the polygon
>> table. It's subsequently rendered as a barrier area, ie. with the
>> barrier=hedge fill.
> So a similar mess to mkgmap/garmin maps where it assumes there can be only
> one primary tag. Never been able to understand why this quite simple problem
> can't be sorted.

The problem is with the mapper mixing up linear and polygon features
on the same osm object. You could tag a way with barrier=hedge and
then add this way as outer way to a multipolygon relation tagged with
landuse=farmland. (Strange btw., because how would you then access the
field? Usually the hedge would have to be interrupted anyway, so the
multipolygon approach could also be used to add more detail and have a
part of the outline free from the barrier tag).

An alternative is to expect that whoever makes a map out of the data
will duplicate the geometry and use one way as linear feature and the
other as area, but how would you know looking at a closed way if this
hedge is linear or mapped as polygon?

These issues will probably be solved "automatically" with a new area
type for osm objects.


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