I very much like the proposal, thanks for doing that. The goal to achieve
more awareness is great, let's act to achieve that goal. Several things
have been said about the mark. I think having text like osm.org/c there is
a  + 1. Intel Inside has text. FairTrade has text. Maybe for the mark (next
to the text) also a tweak of the present OSM logo (left top of osm.org)
could do the job.

For the process: please make adjustments and send in the next draft.
Putting it on osm.org seems like a must: if our page doesn't have it, why
should others use it?

About the text: *OSM is built by a community of local mappers that keeps
data about roads, cafés, subway stations, and much more up to date every
It might create false expectations, Last Sunday I drove on a quite
important primary road. My OSM navigation let me down. Later I found out
that it was due to a turn restriction error which was already there for 1,5
The message in my opinion should invite people more to act themselves
instead of relying on others to create a map. I'm not a communication
expert, but maybe something like this: 'Openstreetmap is built by a growing
community that wants to create the best map in the world. Take a look at
your neighbourhood and join in to experience the fun of adding data about
roads, shops and so on.

(and this of course preferrably in the correct language version)

Cheers, Johan

2013/1/11 Cartinus <carti...@xs4all.nl>

> +1
> On 01/11/2013 08:27 PM, Michal Migurski wrote:
> > I like the spirit of this, and I think it's a necessary and welcome
> idea. When Stamen did the Nike Grid Run project a few years ago, the one
> place where it was not possible to display correct attribution was on the
> TV ads, so a significantly smaller but still compliant contribution marker
> would have been helpful. I think it should be textual though, and in my
> opinion a memorable link to more useful information.
> >
> > What about "osm.org/c" ? Small, obviously a URL, can be easily tucked
> away in a corner in the same way as the hammer mark, but when seen it can
> be acted-on regardless of medium. /c would redirect.
> ---
> m.v.g.,
> Cartinus
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