On 24/05/2013 12:15, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

I don't regularly use iD myself (JOSM user), but, on behalf of its developers: negative comments like this are unhelpful and denigrate the vast amount of hard work that has gone into producing the editor. If you don't like it, complain about it to your friends in private, change the code, but do not slag it off on a public mailing list!

You think the developers are above criticism? A public forum is *exactly* where they should be aired. The creators came here & said "look what we've made, isn't it fantastic" & some of us have pointed out that, actually, no it isn't that good. For them to say "OK, we've made a mistake, why don't you fix it?" is arrogant. Developers should not be put on pedestals.

As has been pointed out there's a few reasons why it not good enough to be the default editor. Another being it's lack of relation information which will lead to them being split/deleted. There needs to be, at least, some kind of warning note that a selected way contains a relation. The panning/background refresh speed has improved slightly in Firefox, but not sure if that's Id's or FF's doing.

I think it needs pointing out, yet again, that we are all volunteers, all putting in time & effort for the good of the project.

Dave F.

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