On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com> wrote:

>  On 24/05/2013 12:15, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> I don't regularly use iD myself (JOSM user), but, on behalf of its
> developers: negative comments like this are unhelpful and denigrate the
> vast amount of hard work that has gone into producing the editor. If you
> don't like it, complain about it to your friends in private, change the
> code, but do not slag it off on a public mailing list!
> You think the developers are above criticism? A public forum is *exactly*
> where they should be aired. The creators came here & said "look what we've
> made, isn't it fantastic" & some of us have pointed out that, actually, no
> it isn't that good. For them to say "OK, we've made a mistake, why don't
> you fix it?" is arrogant. Developers should not be put on pedestals.
> As has been pointed out there's a few reasons why it not good enough to be
> the default editor. Another being it's lack of relation information which
> will lead to them being split/deleted. There needs to be, at least, some
> kind of warning note that a selected way contains a relation.
> The panning/background refresh speed has improved slightly in Firefox, but
> not sure if that's Id's or FF's doing.
> I think it needs pointing out, yet again, that we are all volunteers, all
> putting in time & effort for the good of the project.

There is a difference between constructive criticism and "This is the worst
thing ever!" which is both unhelpful and objectively false.

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