2013/6/7 Christoph Bünte <christ...@sozialhelden.de>

> Hi everyone,
> we at wheelmap.org want to take our service to the next level by tagging
> public places wether there is an wheelchair accessible toilet or not. To
> start the discussion we prepared an key proposal:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/wheelchair:toilet
> Please let us know what you think about it.

the proposal looks reasonable at first glance, if you see this as an
attribute to something (and it will definitely be easier to evaluate this
way). An alternative might be to tag explicitly the toilet and add
wheelchair tags to the toilet.

I checked with tag info and there are already tags in use:


the suggestion for a toilet attribute on a POI according to
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dtoilets is "toilets",
that's why I suggest you change the wording in your proposal to plural.
IMHO the most logical way would be toilets:wheelchair=yes/no but
wheelchair:toilets is currently used far more often.

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