People will "stumble" more easily on the OpenStreetMap site than on any of
the other sites (umap, OSRM, etc..).
Most press articles are about OpenStreetMap, so they search for that brand;
thus they will end up on the website.

The list of all services is also neatly "hidden" on the wiki. How many
first time visitors will go from the main page to that page ?

I understand that the main website is targeted towards contributors, but
that is not clear from just looking at the website.
People see a map and probably want to use it in a google way. They compare
the features and assume that OpenStreetMap has to offer less.
They will not look for an alternative service based upon OSM.

just my .5 cents


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:

> Am 09.07.2013 14:04, schrieb
> >
> > It just seems to me that if you have a shop window from 2006 a lot of
> > people aren't going to bother to come in and check-out the great stuff
> > you have in the back room.
> I believe that it is well recognized that we have a slight contradiction
> in the way we operate that on the one hand we want and need attractive
> "shop windows" to attract more mappers, on the other hand don't actually
> want to provide services to such contributors (outside of supporting
> contributing and editing). The, at least historic, way out is to assume
> that our data consumers, 4square, and all the others, are providing the
> shop windows and we only have to do something minimal for visitors that
> stumble on us by accident.
> If this actually works is open to debate. What is clear is that our past
> role models (Navteq, TeleAtlas) have themselves departed more from the
> pure data collector/provider model than we have in response to market
> pressure (mainly google).
> Simon
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