Toby Murray-2 wrote
> We aren't trying to make The Perfect Editor here.  We are trying to
> replace
> an aging editor with something more current. Let us not make perfection
> the
> enemy of progress. 

Although a perfect editor would of course be nice, it isn't really
achievable so yes, we don't want to let the perfect be enemy of progress.
But we do want to make sure it actually is progress.

Pretty much all of the people discussing here how newbies interact with
editors are actually experienced mappers. Once you have gained a certain
level of experience for a while, it is really quite difficult to put your
self in the shoes of a newcommer and understand how they see "the world".
Somethings you might think are complicated and try and thoroughly explain
(or hide the complexity) might not be that difficult and newbies might find
it "condescendingly dumbed down", other things you might not even have
considered as a point of confusion totally baffles a newcommer. E.g. is the
sentence on the new welcome page "An editor is a program or website you can
use to edit the map" blindingly obvious, misleadingly simplified, or an
important relevant piece of information to newbies?

It would be great if we could have some actual data comparing how P2 (the
current default editor) performs against iD. Is iD already an overall
improvement? Or do the remaining issues like performance in Firefox or
relations support totally overshadow the benefits of iD?

Perhaps we could have another go at thinking about A/B testing. I.e. have at
random some people get iD as default during signup and some new signups
still have P2 as default. Then after a while we can track certain statistics
and see if there are significant, measurable differences and make an
informed objective decision (rather than a biased subjective one).

Of cause it isn't easy to come up with good summery statistics. But things
like % of people who signup saving at least one edit. % of people who do
more than one editing session, % of people who get (angry) mails from other
mappers might give a good initial indication of  overall how one editor
performs compared to the other.


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