Kai Krueger wrote:
Toby Murray-2 wrote
>We aren't trying to make The Perfect Editor here.  We are trying to replace
>an aging editor with something more current. Let us not make perfection the
>enemy of progress.

Although a perfect editor would of course be nice, it isn't really
achievable so yes, we don't want to let the perfect be enemy of progress.
But we do want to make sure it actually is progress.

I think the fundamental problem is 'aging' ... people seem to think that all these nice new wizbangs are progress such as that informationless curved pallet. Now if there were some nice COLOURED icons on it to remind me what each button as then I'd not have to hover over every one.

My main problem however is the map display itself! I currently have Id up on one screen and P2 on the other showing the same area of map with openstreetview as a background, and to be honest, the P2 display may seem 'dated' but at least it's crisp and readable. The horizontal hashing and other 'eyecandy' on the Id display make it very difficult to see the details that I could now be tracing. Move to satellite and the 'effect' on my monitor is even more pronounced. I need to switch off the hashing as optically it's distorting the view of the field boundaries below.

Click on an area that you want to realign, and that pigging pallet overlays the very lines you want to SEE to move. And I'm with others here, having the 'delete' as the first 'hidden button' is not the safest of places to have it! At the very least a 'do you want to' is essential. But I WILL add here I have the SAME complaint with P2 anyway! There should be a 'do you want to' but with P2 at least it is a positive action to go down to the corner, something right under your mouse is all to easy to hit.

How do I drop a simple POI in on Id? The menu on P2 may take up a large area, but simply dragging something suitable onto the map works well for me and is normally the sort of fast update I'm trying to achieve. I've not worked out how to do that yet on Id? It keeps highlighting the landuse area I'm dropping into rather than giving me a new node? OK not sure what was going on then, but now I've found it, but the list of options for nodes is going to be a lot slower to navigate ... pigging monochorme icons again ... and half of the ones I use don't even have their icon (gate for instance).

NO ... I'm not finding this an improvement ... P2 has it's faults, but at least it IS usable for the quick editing. Id needs you to know a lot more already to be able to add the sort of simple stuff a novice user will be looking at first :( Add the P2 menus in place of the limited list and that would be an improvement ... with the nice coloured icons ... it makes picking up a group of similar node flags a lot easier!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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