
On 08/23/13 01:11, Paul Johnson wrote:
 > Given the maintenance situation on P2, promoting iD seems like the
only way forward.

Web launch a JOSM session?

As an avid JOSM user and former member of the JOSM programming team I am happy to see that JOSM is thriving.

Making the default "edit" action web-launch JOSM however would probably be the end of that (and not just because of the technological issues of web launch). Tons of newbies, overwhelmed by JOSM's broad array of capabilities and the not-necessarily-simple user interface that comes with it, would violate our data in ways that would make experienced mappers hark back to the good old days when it was only Potlatch 1 that people could do damage with. The limited available JOSM developer time would quickly be used up by making every bit of JOSM "newbie proof", and experienced users would complain about limitations introduced to reduce potential damage.

Frankly I am quite happy that we have, in JOSM, an editor that, while free for everyone to try out, does target the more demanding users, and can therefor afford to be a little more demanding itself. An editor where as a programmer you don't have to think about whether your users know what a way or a node is and so on.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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