
>  4. There are concerns that iD (and thus osm.org <http://osm.org>) will
>     promote Facebook and Twitter, over other social networks.

The problem I have with those big share buttons is not that they promote
Facebook or Twitter over G+ or other sites but that the (hopefully soon
default) editor promotes commercial "social" sites at all!

Those sites to not have you or me or the mapper sharing edits as
customers but large advertising networks. We are the product they sell.
Featuring their logo in such a prominent way suggests that a new mapper
should tweet his edit or post it to facebook to be a good member of our
community. I see that as very harmful to our undertaking of liberating
data and knowledge from the giants of the web to create a free and open
map of the world. Pushing integration with social sites directly
undermines our message of "you don't have to give all your data to
google to see them on a nice map".

I guess I should really start a company that openly sells user data to
the most evil customers that I can find and demand equal placement in iD
just to prove a point.

If you really want that feature in iD because you are a stupid "I have
nothing to hide" post-privacy hipster who feels cool if he is a mayor of
$somewhere in foursquare, at least hide it behind a neutral "share with
friends" button. It don't have to be plugable or fancy, but don't give
it equal footing with "view on map".

And no I wont stop bitching and complaining no matter if you call me
caustic or harmful in private discussions. When I made remarks about
"the NSA doesn't have to track you, you give all your data to facebook
anyway" I was considered slightly nuts. Now we learned about prism. When
I said "I don't want to use google docs for HOT stuff" I was considered
nuts, but now we've seen that a 5 minute google outage reduces the
internet traffic by about 40% percent. We really have to stop using the
giant of the internet. And I will continue raising that point even if it
makes me feel like Casandra.

Despite all that I find iD a very usable editor. I wont abandon JOSM for
it, but I wont hessitate to recommend iD either and I really hope that
it will be the default editor soon.

Just my 2 cents,
Patrick "Petschge" Kilian

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