On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:59 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> it has been proposed to make the newly released iD v1.1 the default editor
> on openstreetmap.org, meaning that if someone doesn't explicitly chose an
> editor they will open iD instead of Potlatch.

To try and summarize key points, on topic of "is iD ready to take over from

   1. Potlatch is not maintained, and seems unlikely to be maintained.  iD
   is the only presently viable way forward.

   2. iD is quite slow on older systems, and a suitable fallback to P2 has
   not yet been shown.

   3. There are concerns about how "cushioned" the editing experience is:
   if iD makes new users feel sufficiently comfortable they won't do damage,
   and if iD protects (or at least warns) enough about potentially damaging
   activity.  iD is presumed to be more suitable for new mappers: that
   assertion has not been definitely proven yet the chance that assertion is
   correct makes some experienced editors nervous.

   4. There are concerns that iD (and thus osm.org) will promote Facebook
   and Twitter, over other social networks.

   5. There are concerns that iD makes deletion of features more prominent
   in the UI, compared to prior editors.

   6. At least one user is concerned that anonymous bug reports are not
   possible at https://github.com/systemed/iD

   7. There are concerns that in simplifying the editing experience (see
   #2) some complex topics are not explained (e.g. relations, multipologons).

   8. Social features, to help integrate a new mapper into community or
   correct editing mistakes, are not present yet.
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