On 03/15/2014 11:22 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> Am 14/mar/2014 um 09:48 schrieb Norbert Wenzel 
>> <norbert.wenzel.li...@gmail.com>:
>> And to the topic. It might not always be easy to enforce the
>> share-alike clause, but I really like the fact that we have it and may
>> enforce it if necessary.
> Do you know of any case where OSMF did more than write a letter? Uses of osm 
> without attribution are revealed every now and then but never has happened 
> something (read: attempt to enforce the license) substantial whether they 
> added attribution and declared share alike or not. e.g. MS could continue to 
> distribute tainted aerials for months if not years, apple does so for at 
> least 2 years, the wiki has a long but quite incomplete list of others: 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/License_violation

I do not know what the OSMF does regarding attribution and other license
violations, but I know cases where the local community "enforced" the
attribution, which, as others pointed out, would not be possible for PD
data. Usually you don't need to sue users to get a correct attribution.

That's all I personally want to see when someone uses OSM data.


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