
We slightly updated http://remaptcha.herokuapp.com/ : It now validates the
second control word (nearby the flag) better.

BUT now, we have another variant #2 which has two steps:
A variant means to me that's another possible solution (i.e. it's not
Version 2).

LG, Stefan

2014-04-05 12:18 GMT+02:00 Stefan Keller <sfkel...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> We've slightly updated ReMAPTCHA plugin.
> -S.
> [1] http://remaptcha.herokuapp.com/
> 2014-03-31 18:47 GMT+02:00 moltonel 3x Combo <molto...@gmail.com>:
> On 31/03/2014, Stefan Keller <sfkel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > The scrambling of the Control Word" is as intense as other Captchas but
>> > it's only 5-6 chars (instead of 10 or more).
>> Hum, taking another look, it does seem more scrambled than I remember.
>> But when I first checked, there was only text over the map, not over
>> the imagery, so you changed stuff :p
>> It's better, but I still feel it's not as scrambled as the typical
>> ReCAPTCHA; for example it doesn't have anything overlaying it.
>> > We can afford this because an OCR needs to find first the boundaries of
>> the
>> > word - and that's more difficult with labels on a map.
>> One major flaw with displaying the text on both layers (rendered and
>> satellite) is that you can  substract one image from the other to be
>> left with just the text without noise.
>> Map labels are rare enough in the examples I saw. They might also be
>> easyly filtered out as being non-scrambled and using known typefaces.
>> And if we get an area with many labels that somehow confuse a bot but
>> not a user, we're back to the "got a few words, try to give
>> combinations at random" problem.
>> > You have to realize that the other word has to be written just to
>> indicate
>> > if there is a path - else you can ommit it.
>> Yes.
>> > The fact that there is a path is unknown to our system.
>> I don't understand that part. You've created the chalenges, so you
>> must know the answer ?
>> > So in your estimation, humans always succeded when only typing the
>> "Control
>> > Word".
>> > That (human) trick and not knowing the correct answer for the "Control
>> > Word" applies to all reCAPTCHAs.
>> > Bots need first to find 1. which one is the Control Word (including
>> > boundary) and then 2. to try OCR.
>> Part of my point is that the bot doesn't need to distinguish the
>> control word from the other word (assuming it OCRed the words
>> correctly, see above). It has a 33% chance of getting it right
>> randomly, which is fine. A 10% overall success rate is not an issue
>> for a bot (but would be for a human).
>> >> Please drop the "scrambled text" idea altogether. And make solving a
>> >> CAPTCHA a fun activity in the process.
>> >
>> > Feedback so far was, that it's at least more fun than typing 15
>> characters
>> > and helping G* instead of OSM.
>> That's my feedback too :) Note that I wouldn't be commenting if I
>> thought the work didn't have merit :p
>> But I'm afraid that the fun will quickly disapear, because we still
>> have to squint and type, and because you'll notice that you need to
>> raise the scrambling-related difficulty because bots still get thru.
>> >> ...                        A "click features on the
>> >> satellite imagery" task is one way to do it, but I'm sure there are
>> >> others.
>> >
>> > This seems like a good idea and I'm open to collect those.
>> I hope you'll explore the idea, so.
>> There have been plenty of other attempts with image-based no-typing
>> CAPTCHAs (search those terms), but I think that they suffered from the
>> high cost of getting tagged source material. An OSM-backed satellite
>> imagery CAPTCHA would have a huge amount of source material readily
>> available.
>> > Unfortunately nobody came up until now with one, which fulfilled the
>> > properties of a reCAPTCHA, i.e. fast and easy to understand challenge by
>> > humans.
>> I guess it's the usual problem of plenty of people having their idea
>> about a feature, but it takes one person to actually go and do the
>> work before they reallize that they had different features in mind, or
>> that it was a bad idea... Thanks for working on that :)
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