
On 05/24/2014 11:57 AM, Christian Quest wrote:
> It would be really great if this dataset could be added to Nominatim to
> extend its geocoding capabilities in France where we only have around 2M
> addresses currently.

I think that Nominatim already has a built-in process where you can take
TIGER shape files and it runs them through an shp-to-osm processor and
then imports them into the local database just as if they came from OSM;
and I think there's even a supersede mechanism that will make sure that
house numbers that come from OSM are given preference over those from
the separate repository. So I believe it should not be difficult to
modify the TIGER-specific import code to conver BANO data too.

Maybe it's worth coordinating with those that run the American
OpenAddresses database (Ian Deees?) who might have similar ambitions to
plug their data directly into Nominatim.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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