Andrew Guertin <> wrote:
> On 08/27/2014 12:47 PM, Edward Betts wrote:
> >I'd like to annotate these 70k objects in OSM with a Wikidata tag
> >automatically.
> I like the sound of this. Personally, I think it adds value, and having
> looked at the code your matching criteria sound good.


> There are a couple of things it would make me happy to see before you go
> through with this:
> 1: Elsewhere in this thread it was mentioned that there are 22000 wikidata
> ids in OSM currently. Are there any objects which currently have a wikidata
> id that your code would assign a different id to? Similarly, are there any
> instances where your code would assign a wikidata id to something and a
> different object in OSM already has that wikidata id?

I haven't checked for either of these conditions. These are both good points
and I'll investigate.

> 2: You mention elsewhere in this thread that the maximum distance difference
> between the wikidata location and the osm object is 400 meters. How was this
> number arrived at? Could you make a list of matches including and sorted by
> the distance difference for people to look at? I think it's worth it for
> interested people to be able to independently verify at what distance the
> accuracy declines and what a good cutoff is.

I don't have any basis for picking 400 meters, I just needed a number and that
one seemed reasonable.

> It might be good to also include in that list what type of feature something
> is. If you're comparing using centroids, more leniency might be in order
> for, e.g., a large lake than a small building.

This is also a good point. I tried using the overpass 'is_in' command, but I
don't understand overpass areas.


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