sorry, the right match for Q1639627 would be

I've found some more examples for villages in the Czech Republic (I've
looked only randomly) if you need some more please let me know. In your
mismatch list there seem to be many german municipalities:

In my opinion this import is to early. Wikidata needs much consolidation
atm (many instance of missing, etc). We shouldn't rely on Wikipedia
categories for the import of Wikidata IDs. Those categories seem to be
problematic as they mix up for example villages and municipalities. There
may also be problems when the Wikipedia article describes two or more
objects (for example one article for the islands Langlütjen as I mentioned

2014-08-31 21:33 GMT+02:00 Archer <>:

> For the category "Villages" there seems to be also a matching problem. For
> example is a municipality
> according to Wikidata but the match is place=village:
> and not the administrative
> relation for the municipality:
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