2014-10-07 14:21 GMT+02:00 Jochen Topf <joc...@remote.org>:

> For phone booths, everybody uses nodes, everybody understands
> that, the software understands that. For practical purposes this is what we
> do and what we document.

actually I think that the software (i.e. osm-carto) does also understand
and render amenity=telephone on an area. What do you suggest, remove it
from the style or correct the wiki?

Are site-relations established? There are 134000 of them in the data.

I didn't search for particular errors for the 3 examples I gave before, I
just looked at 3 arbitrary pages and all had issues. I now looked at the
most basic tag we have, the highway-tag. The wiki states you cannot use it
on areas, but it is documented elsewhere to do it (area=yes and highway=*)
and the common renderer does render it. On the other hand, highway on a
node doesn't make sense for a lot of highways (all those that are actually

I think that we could remove this template and have no problems, quite the
opposite, it would remove lots of lots of omissions and wrong
classifications in the docu. Many tags are useful on different objects, but
the semantics will vary based on this. E.g. a barrier=hedge can be mapped
on a (linear, open) way or on an area. In the first case you'd maybe add a
width, in the second case you shouldn't.

For landuse nodes are not "allowed", but there are 220.000 of these in the

For buildings, only areas are allowed, but there is a building relation
that many people do use. There are also 758.000 nodes with a building tag
(while not useful for rendering, it could still make some sense to map like
this, e.g. to add additional detail beside the geometry, stuff like a name

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