
Am 2014-10-27 um 22:35 schrieb Rob Nickerson:
> Google (through their acquisition of skybox) have released some aerial
> imagery under the Cc-by licence:
> http://www.engadget.com/2014/10/26/skybox-for-good/
> Can someone just remind me - are we able to use this in OpenStreetMap? If
> yes, please forward to the HOT mailing list as it is of value to them.

No. CC-BY requires an attribution at every use of the data. That's why
it is not compatible to our ODbL/Contributor Terms. OSM requires only an
attribution of "OpenStreetMap contributors" and nobody else from its
data users.

We have some government data in Germany which is available under CC-BY.
Usually the data owner granted an exemption to use the data because he
was satified by attribution at

You have to ask Skybox for a exemption to make this imagary usable for OSM.

Best regards


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