On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 10:19 PM, Eduardo <e...@mayorgalinux.com> wrote:

> Maybe I could do research into an app which would allow for no-frills
>> GPS trace collection and upload to some service (actually this can be
>> done in HTML5 - you can ask specifically for GPS in geolocation API).
>> This way when someone complains about missing roundabout that happens
>> to be yet invisible in aerial photos, we could ask the person to get a
>> trace.
> People caring about OSM enough to bother getting a trace would add the
> data themselves. The amount of GPX files uploaders who don't want or cannot
> contribute data would be too small to this to be worth.

Not necessarily.  Note making and GPX tracing is part of my routine, every
day data collection activity.  I try to go back and map through what I've
collected data on, but sometimes there's somewhere between a "don't know
enough about the area" and a "that trip really sucked and I don't want to
revisit it" angle.  I'd rather have the data I collected available to
someone else working on the area in either case rather than just have that
knowledge lost because I had a bad or especially draining road trip and
just Did Not Care™ when I got back.
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