On 05/27/2015 05:13 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
Not only well-known tourist magnets carry foreign names; some dedicated
language mappers have gone over and beyond the call of duty and added,
for example, name:ru tags even to small villages:


(This is a matter currently under investigation by Data Working Group
and it is relatively certain that not all 582,653 name:ru tags will remain.)

Considering the existence of the former Soviet Union, and especially that there are areas of Ukraine where both Russian and Ukrainian are spoken and most roads, places, etc have names (and thus tags) in both languages, this number of 582,653 name:ru tags is hard to interpret.

My skill with overpass-turbo isn't the best, but I was able to relatively easily limit a search to a bounding box around North and South America. Within that box, a search returned 2648 nodes and 909 ways with name:ru (relations timed out).

Considering "in 2007 Russian was the primary language spoken in the homes of over 850,000 individuals living in the United States"[1], 3500 features with Russian names across all of North and South America seems very low, and there's lots of opportunity for more data to be added.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_language#Geographic_distribution

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