On 02/09/2015, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:
> On 02/09/15 12:56, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
>> Sorry, I see residential areas, hedges, postcodes, etc, overall a well
>> maped area with usefull detail, but nothing mapping land property ? I
>> never suggested that this kind of data was out of scope for OSM,
>> please go ahead and map more of it. When I mentioned "land property"
>> I'm talking about legal ownership, parcels, cadastre, etc.
> The boundaries mapped are property boundaries as are the field
> boundaries around them.

When I think of mapping properties I expect a multipolygon, hopefully
following many physical objects such as hedges and fences, is that
what you have in mind ?

> Ideally I would like to add the NLPG reference
> to each but currently that is blocked by possible licensing problems. It
> WOULD be nice to complete the 'hidden' data

Assuming the license issue gets resolved, how will you import it,
conflate with existing data, tag ? How will you keep it up to date
when a field or a chunk of garden changes hand between neighbours ?
Who do you expect will make use of the data ?

I'm not saying that this data doesn't belong in OSM as much as I am
saying "I won't touch that kind of data with a 10 foot pole, it's too
hard to import/maintain, it's a huge amount of data (bloat) that will
complicate editing, and anyway it won't be usable for most usecases".
Go ahead and map the fences and anything else that gives a visual clue
as to where the property ends. But the actual legal property data ?
It's not worth it.

> in much the same way the
> postcode is added here so that searches can be done properly. Just
> because a post has not been put in the ground to identify a location,
> the location still exists if properly documented.

Postcodes, like all address components, are always welcome in OSM even
though they are not always phisically visible. Addresses are a major
OSM usecase. A postcode has a much lower granularity than a parcel. It
doesn't have to be exact and authoritative, it only has to lead to the
correct location.

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