> W dniu 22.09.2015 15:49, Mateusz Konieczny napisa?(a):
> > Note that it is not including the latest changes that are not deployed
> > on the OSM website (currently it includes the new road style).
> One can preview those changes here (for some testing places):
> http://bl.ocks.org/pnorman/raw/c61d6b11193081910866/#6.00/40.000/-75.000

Now I'm really getting confused. osm-carto is the current version and
gsoc the new one, right?
It seems road importance has dropped a level, and tertiary is no longer distinct
by colour. That would have severe impications for the map in Europe,
where tertiary roads are the main roads in rural areas. They link
villages, or in case of city's neighberhoods. As so they are the
preferred roads for travelling and should be emphasized over
This may work at a low zoomlevel but at higher zoomlevels it adds
confusion because tertiary and unclassified have the same colour.



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