On 23/09/15 13:59, Andy Townsend wrote:
> To add to that, creating "a personal map style" of a small area using
> https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/manually-building-a-tile-server-14-04/
> whilst not for everyone, isn't that difficult these days, and it doesn't
> require huge server resources.  There are also canned options such as
> Mapbox of course if you want someone to host it for you.  It'd be nice
> if there was a way to see the tiles on osm.org without resorting to
> cludges such as
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:SomeoneElse/Your_tiles_from_osm.org
> though.

I'm STILL struggling to get a private tile server working just covering
the UK. I DO have my own tweaked version of the style shhet running via
Tilemil, but while the database SHOULD be updating, I'm not seeing
changes I made rendered on the local copy, and I still need to get a
proper tile cache working.

But what I do have working shows in house rendering is not at all
difficult. Just need to nail all the cludges in a simple to roll package
of tools?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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