While I am guilty of some of the same reflexes (see
https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/110 ), I don't
know how we could expect OSM-carto to reflect all our needs. Apart from
being a tool for mappers (i.e. showing as much as possible), it also wants
to be pretty and useful for non-mappers. Trying to make everyone happy
might make everyone unhappy in the end.

If you want to make people who need paths happy, just send them to
waymarkedtrails.org or to opentopomap.org . And if that doesn't make you
happy, use overpass-turbo (e.g. http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/bCm) to
highlight the features you need. And show them in a pretty map with umap
for instructions).
(Yes, the performance of umap/overpass combo isn't great, that could really
use some improvement. And yes, it would be nice if osm.org was more of a
portal for all of us special needs people)

2015-09-23 11:42 GMT+02:00 moltonel 3x Combo <molto...@gmail.com>:

> On 23/09/2015, henk van der laan <h...@mijneigen.net> wrote:
> > Now I'm really getting confused. osm-carto is the current version and
> > gsoc the new one, right?
> There's been a tremendous amount of discussion, feedback, a tweaks
> about this change:
> * https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/pull/1736
> * http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Mateusz Konieczny/diary
> * various calls for participation on this mailing list.
> OSM, and osm-carto in particular are developed in the open. If
> anything, they are often flooded by feedback. Please use open source
> to your advantage and check the process, the challenges and the
> compromises before passing judgement, and contribute using those
> channels if you can.
> Osm-carto is full of compromises trying to reach a balance between all
> the requirements, it is no easy task. For example, the tertiary roads
> styling you bemoan has been heavily debated before reaching the
> current conclusion; a tough requirements was keeping a high enough
> contrast for non-ideal viewing conditions.
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